Saturday, October 18, 2008

Free time from school........

These are some pictures when we when out this semester. We went to the farm and it was fun to get some coconut and visiting people in the vilage..

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Finaly back on campus...

Finaly i arrived safely back on campus on the 22nd of August about 3:00pm. It was a great day to be back and it is on time to get ready for the coming Sabbath. It was a great experiance for me i like it. I hope if anyone of you want to try you can contact me anytime i might on my way back on December so if any of you want or interresingt to know more let me know.
Hope that i would have someone to cycle with the nest trip.........

The 5th day journey and 6th day in Thailand

From the border of Cambodia in to Thailand...

The 5th day journey

Family of love.......

These pictures were taken atfer the family worship of the family that live in the church. The boy with the phonw was my student that i teach during my summer vulenteer. This family provided me good food dinner and they got up early got food ready for me before i left their family. How lovely to have these kind of peole to be family memeber of love..

After 100Kms of red dust road...

This picture when i arrive at the Ban teay Meanchey church..
Lood i powder my lags with the red dust, it looks good though........

That was how my shirth look after the 4th day and my burned lags...
This picture taken on the second day after a strong rain i was able to cycle only about 30Kms and stop by Kompong Tom church.

This last picture took when i arrived at Banteay Menachey Province on the 4th day of the trip. and it was fun to cycled throught the red dusty road about 100kms.